new thought science of mind law of attraction universal spiritual principles

New Thought is a modern spiritual philosophy based on ancient wisdom from the East and West, that asserts that our thoughts, attitudes, feelings and beliefs determine our experience.
Visit our Spiritual Living Group in Kings Langley where we host regular monthly meetings on a Sunday evening. We teach and share 'Practical Spirituality', utilising the principles of New Thought (and Science of Mind) to deal more effectively with life's issues, challenges and opportunities. Newcomers are welcome!
Tel: 01923 264550
Email: davidserlin@outlook.com

New Thought, New You
New Thought is all about looking at life from a different perspective, focusing on ‘what we want’ rather than on ‘what we don’t want’, understanding that we have the ‘power’ to change our lives by changing our thinking.
The term is not new (it was coined over a hundred years ago) but has become topical recently through the works of great New Thought / Science Of Mind teachers like Louise Hay and Wayne Dyer and through the phenomenally successful book (and dvd)
The Secret...

David Serlin's remarkable but true story of a modern day healer.

David Serlin's brand new book, launching on December 8th 2019!

Linda Serlin's beautiful book of purposeful poems and affirmations.